While matching the steps of the latest trends and technologies, you might already be making the best out of Shopify, an e-commerce platform, and Salesforce, a #1 CRM worldwide. This blog post might have hit your mind with varied questions. 

Why should you integrate Shopify with Salesforce? 

Integrating Shopify and Salesforce can facilitate you simultaneously handling online business on multiple platforms and customer database management while tracking their activities. You might be using these two platforms effectively, but there are more facts that will illustrate how it can be beneficial to connect Shopify with Salesforce. 

In this post, we will learn the benefits of integrating Shopify with Salesforce, how to integrate these two, which tools to use, and more. 

Let’s get started!

Shopify and Salesforce – An Overview

First, let’s take a quick recap of these two solutions. 

One of the widely chosen e-commerce development platforms, Shopify lets merchants develop and customize their online stores and sell across multiple channels and places, including mobile, web, offline stores, in-person, and pop-up shops.   

World’s top customer relationship management (CRM) platform, Salesforce, backs sales, marketing, service, commerce, and various IT departments to work as a team from anywhere to serve customers anytime and everywhere. 

Now, let’s discuss the benefits of integrating Shopify and Salesforce. 

Benefits of Shopify and Salesforce Integration 

1. Lead Generation

It eases capturing and nurturing more prospects, boosting customer engagement, conversion rates, and revenue. 


Shopify customers convert into Salesforce contacts that facilitate details recording in real-time in the CRM database. This avoids manual customer data transfer from Shopify to Salesforce for further nurturing. Post that, the enterprise can analyze them and provide personalized services. 

2. Personalization

The availability of customer details in both systems helps personalize customer experiences across various channels and increase customer Life Time Value (LTV).


Salesforce is one of the well-organized sources for smart data analytics. By integrating Shopify and Salesforce, you can get the details of your customer’s purchases from your e-commerce store. Besides, you can analyze your prospects’ or customers’ searches to give a personalized touch to your services per their preferences. 

3. Multiple Shopify Storefronts Management

You can manage your online stores, have a presence on multiple channels, and simultaneously track your customer experiences and journeys without switching between varied platforms. 


On the Salesforce platform, its CRM functionality can assist in managing various Shopify stores, providing a holistic view or a 360-degree omnichannel view of your customers with your brand and easing it for you to review each individually. 

4. Sales Data Management

By tracking your customer registration, sales revenue, lifetime value, churn, popular products, and more, you can make sound decisions to let your business grow well. 


Shopify Salesforce integration permits seamless data management simultaneously between these platforms. This way, you can track, analyze, and manage your e-store and CRM data using this unified venture. Moreover, you can sync data points via this integration, like collections, customers, payments, orders, etc., between Salesforce and Shopify, letting the teams offer a fused experience to your customers and prospects. 

Apart from these, Shopify and Salesforce integration help in improving marketing campaigns and business operations, ease data accessibility and availability, enhance workflow, revamp business functions, and make reporting and accounting simpler. 

How to Integrate Shopify & Salesforce? 

Well, various options are there to integrate Shopify and Salesforce smoothly. Let’s check out a few:

  • Download the “Shopify Made Easy – Sync Your Shopify with Salesforce” App from AppExchange. 
  • Choose third-party integration platforms, like Zapier, without any code and automatically.
  • Salesforce Apex Programming Language and Shopify API. 
  • Shopify integration with Salesforce Using Webhook 
  • Hire a Salesforce Consulting company with a professional team with experience integrating Shopify and Salesforce. 

Now, we will pick every option one by one and will explain how to integrate Shopify and Salesforce to empower your sales team. 

Download the “Shopify Made Easy – Sync Your Shopify with Salesforce” App from AppExchange. 

You can download the Shopify made easy app from the Salesforce AppExchange. Using this app, you can integrate these two platforms and reap the benefits of the Salesforce Lightning, Classic, and Shopify features altogether. Besides, you can manage your e-commerce objects from a single app and aim to expand your business. 

Top Highlights

  • Instantly import all the previous Shopify data.
  • Engaging UI
  • Efficient and simultaneous inventory management.
  • Real-time records synchronization.
  • A single and comprehensive app for e-commerce object management.
  • No-code installation and dynamic field mapping.
  • No subscription, free lifetime access, and no credit cards. 
  • Sync various Shopify stores with Salesforce.
  • Zero code integration.
  • Increase selling with best data use.
  • Handle various inventories from multiple stores in one spot. 


Before you implement this solution, be sure you have the following: 

  • Shopify Store  
  • Sales Cloud
  • Permitted Salesforce Editions: Force.com, Developer, Unlimited, Enterprise. 
  • Supported Features: Person Accounts, Multiple Currencies, Lightning Ready, No Limits. 

Requisite Procedure 

  • Connect your Shopify to Salesforce.
  • Manage your location, collections, products, orders, order fulfillment, draft orders, inventory, and variants. 
  • Besides, sync all your data, connect the apps, and configure seamless workflows into flawless processes. 


A Shopify to Salesforce connector, Shopify Made Easy is a HIC Global Solutions product, a CRM success partner. It facilitates the users to make its best use for the successful growth of their business without any need to manage critical business operations. This Shopify app covers everything from order processing automation to sales and customer data management. 

Moreover, with the multi-store sync functionality of this salesforce shopify connector, you can sync unlimited products, collections, records, and inventories of your multiple e-stores in real-time, hassle-free. So, it’s time to save your valuable time and effort by downloading the “Shopify made easy” app and witnessing boosted productivity. 

Note: This Non-SFDC Application (as defined in Salesforce’s Main Services Agreement), despite any security review or Security Requirements of a Partner Application, Salesforce doesn’t guarantee the security and quality of this solution. The user is responsible for evaluating this solution’s security, functionality, and quality. 

Choose The Third-party Integration Platforms

You can pick from various third-party integration platforms to conduct Shopify and Salesforce integration. Also, you can create automation workflows between the two systems and integrate them with other systems and tools. 

We will consider Zapier here and get deeper. 

With Zapier, you can automatically integrate Shopify and Salesforce without any coding requirements. It’s free for core features. You can take its 14-day trial to test its premium apps and features. 

Using Zapier’s templates, you can automate Salesforce and Shopify workflow quickly. 

Steps to Follow:

  • Authenticate Shopify and Salesforce.
  • Choose an app as a trigger to automate the process. 
  • Pick an outcome action from another app. 
  • Choose the data you need to send from one app to another.

Zapier also provides other templates besides this one for accomplishing other jobs one needs considering Shopify and Salesforce integration, like

  • Create Salesforce contacts from new Shopify customers
  • Create Salesforce records for new Shopify orders
  • Add leads to Salesforce from new Shopify orders
  • Create Salesforce leads from new Shopify orders
  • Add new Shopify paid orders to Salesforce as new leads, etc. 

Salesforce Apex Programming Language and Shopify API

It would be easier for tech-savvy to use the Shopify API and Salesforce Apex language to develop a custom integration between these two platforms. This option crops up with comprehensive control over the integration and permits you to customize it per your specific requirements. 

Steps to follow:

  • Log in to your Shopify account and navigate to Settings > “Apps and sales channels.” > Develop Apps.” 
  • Now, click the name of the app whose credentials you want. Click on the API credentials and note the secret keys and API. 
  • Now, with a CURL command, access the customer list. 
  • Using a command-line JSON processor, format the JSON into CSV. 
  • Load the needed data using the Salesforce Bulk API and build your configuration file for initiating the sequence. 
  • Next, login into your previous configuration file to start your Bulk API. 
  • Now, you can kickstart the Bulk API request with your configuration file. The job-id response will get visible as the response to this command. Again, note this id. 
  • To insert data using the CSV file (used in the first step), you can add a batch to the job. From the previous step, you can use the job-id. Append more batches using the same command with varied files to split a job into two unique batches. 
  • Lastly, you can confirm the job’s status. 

Shopify Integration with Salesforce Using Webhook 

We can integrate Shopify with Salesforce using Webhook to sync Shopify customer data by choosing this mode. 

Steps to follow:

1. Create Apex REST API

Syncing data between Shopify and Salesforce will demand a REST API creation to create customers in Salesforce. In Shopify Webhooks, API will be configured. We need a sample request JSON to create an API that Shopify will send on customer creation. 

Take sample request JSON from here

Now, we will create an Apex serialization class for the sample request JSON (above).

// Generated by JSON2Apex http://json2apex.herokuapp.com/
// The supplied json has fields with names that are not valid in apex
// and so can only be parsed with explicitly generated code, this option
// was auto selected for you.

public class CustomerRequest {

	public class Addresses {
		public long id {get;set;} 
		public Long customer_id {get;set;} 
		public String first_name {get;set;} 
		public String last_name {get;set;} 
		public Object company {get;set;} 
		public String address1 {get;set;} 
		public String address2 {get;set;} 
		public String city {get;set;} 
		public String province {get;set;} 
		public String country {get;set;} 
		public String zip {get;set;} 
		public String phone {get;set;} 
		public String province_code {get;set;} 
		public String country_code {get;set;} 
		public String country_name {get;set;} 
		public Boolean default_Z {get;set;} // in json: default
	public class Default_address {
		public String address1 {get;set;} 
		public String address2 {get;set;} 
		public String city {get;set;} 
		public Object company {get;set;} 
		public String country {get;set;} 
		public String first_name {get;set;} 
		public Integer id {get;set;} 
		public String last_name {get;set;} 
		public String phone {get;set;} 
		public String province {get;set;} 
		public String zip {get;set;} 
		public String province_code {get;set;} 
		public String country_code {get;set;} 
		public String country_name {get;set;} 
		public Boolean default_Z {get;set;} // in json: default
	public Boolean accepts_marketing {get;set;} 
	public String accepts_marketing_updated_at {get;set;} 
	public List<Addresses> addresses {get;set;} 
	public String currency_Z {get;set;} // in json: currency
	public String created_at {get;set;} 
	public Default_address default_address {get;set;} 
	public String email {get;set;} 
	public Email_marketing_consent email_marketing_consent {get;set;} 
	public String first_name {get;set;} 
	public long id {get;set;} 
	public String last_name {get;set;} 
	public Long last_order_id {get;set;} 
	public String last_order_name {get;set;} 
	public Metafield metafield {get;set;} 
	public String marketing_opt_in_level {get;set;} 
	public Object multipass_identifier {get;set;} 
	public String note {get;set;} 
	public Integer orders_count {get;set;} 
	public String password {get;set;} 
	public String password_confirmation {get;set;} 
	public String phone {get;set;} 
	public Sms_marketing_consent sms_marketing_consent {get;set;} 
	public String state {get;set;} 
	public String tags {get;set;} 
	public Boolean tax_exempt {get;set;} 
	public List<String> tax_exemptions {get;set;} 
	public String total_spent {get;set;} 
	public String updated_at {get;set;} 
	public Boolean verified_email {get;set;} 
	public class Sms_marketing_consent {
		public String state {get;set;} 
		public String opt_in_level {get;set;} 
		public String consent_updated_at {get;set;} 
		public String consent_collected_from {get;set;} 
	public class Metafield {
		public String key {get;set;} 
		public String namespace {get;set;} 
		public String value {get;set;} 
		public String type {get;set;} 
	public class Email_marketing_consent {
		public String state {get;set;} 
		public String opt_in_level {get;set;} 
		public String consent_updated_at {get;set;} 
	public static CustomerRequest parse(String json) {
		return (CustomerRequest) System.JSON.deserialize(json, CustomerRequest.class);

Now, let’s create Apex REST API that will create Customers in Salesforce. This REST API uses the above apex wrapper class to get Shopify record data. 

Here, we have considered using standard fields for creating account records. You can use other fields per your needs. 

global class ShopifyCustomerAPI {
    global static void doPost() {
            RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
            Blob body = req.requestBody;
            String bodyString = body.toString();   
            CustomerRequest dto=CustomerRequest.parse(body.toString());
            Account act=new Account();
            act.PersonEmail =dto.email;
                act.ShippingStreet=dto.default_address.address1+' '+ dto.default_address.address2;
            //Change Record Type Name based on your org
            String gsRecordTypeID = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Person Account').getRecordTypeId();
            insert act;
        catch(Exception ex)
            system.debug('Error'+ ex.getStackTraceString());

In a custom object, ApplicationException is a common exception class to log issues. 

2. Make Apex REST API publicly accessible

Now, we have Apex REST API, which we can use with the right authentication. This API needs to be publically accessible to be used as a Salesforce Webhook. And for that, we can build a Salesforce site using Setup->Sites.

Ahead, create a site shopify webhook and set the details like the below:

On clicking Public Access Setting, a guest profile will open for the site. In the Enabled Apex Class Access section, pick all Apex classes that should run when the Shopify webhook accesses API. For this post, we will offer read or create access to the Account object. 

After configuring Apex REST API (as above), it will be accessible publically. 

3. Setup Webhook in Shopify

Now, the REST API is all set for usage. Next, we will set up this API in the webhook notification going into Shopify. 

As an admin user, open your Shopify store and go to the setting section. You will get all webhook notifications in the notification menu. 

For Customer Creation notifications, set up API URL. Now, we should set up the URL that we have created in our Apex REST web service. 

Post configuring the webhook on customer creation, on creating a new customer, it will call configured REST API, which will create an Account in Salesforce Org. 

4. Test the Integration

Now, we will test our implementation (above) by creating customers in Shopify. Give all the necessary customer details to create a customer. 

In Shopify, once a customer is created, it will also create a customer in Salesforce. 

Hire a Salesforce Consulting Company 

You can catch up with a competitive edge by conducting seamless Shopify and Salesforce integration. You can choose any of the above methods for the integration to reap the advantage of consolidated reports and dashboards that will help users in Shopify store management. 

But, if you need help understanding or catching an error while performing integration, you may lead to failed integration. So, even with a little confusion, you should hire a Salesforce Consulting company that will ensure you achieve flawless Shopify and Salesforce integration. 

  • Follow Agile Approach
  • Align to Specified Time Zone
  • Hold Complete Authority over the Project
  • Skilled team of Professionals
  • Seamless Communication
  • Priortize Data Protection
  • Customizable Engagement Options

Factors to Consider in Shopify Salesforce Integration

While you integrate Shopify and Salesforce, you should ensure to consider the following factors:

1. Have a Clear Integration Plan

You should start with a better plan explaining the information you will sync between Salesforce and Shopify and the process. This will save you from data loss and let the procedure go well-organized. 

2. Properly Understand Data Mapping

The process of determining the data conversion technique from one system to another is data mapping. If you accomplish data mapping properly, you will sync accurate data between these two platforms. 

3. Test Integration Adequately

If you want your integration to perform as expected, you must test it perfectly. It will prevent data loss and other problems. 

4. Take into Account Data Sync Issues

Proper data sync between Salesforce and Shopify will prevent various issues from emerging with inventories, orders, and customer data. 

5. Prefer Ongoing Maintenance Requirement

Salesforce and Shopify integration demands the required time to complete. The ongoing maintenance should be done as and when needed to keep the operation working as you want. 

6. Configure Security Settings 

When integrating Salesforce with Shopify, you should configure security settings to protect your data from breaches and other issues. 

Which Method is Best to Integrate Shopify with Salesforce? 

Well, the option you pick for Shopify and Salesforce integration relies on your business needs and your technical expertise level. If you only need to sync your data but don’t have the demanding proficiency, you can use the Shopify app (we explained above), as it helps meet the objective without writing any code.  

On the counterpart, to meet your advanced functionality requirements or to integrate other systems and tools, an apt choice can be a 3rd-party integration platform or custom integration. 

How Can Emizentech Help You?

You can choose any of the above methods to integrate Shopify and Salesforce per your technical expertise. If you are skilled at the technological edge, you obviously don’t need guidance and can attain it seamlessly. But, if you choose any that demand more technical proficiency, then you should hire a certified Salesforce consulting company to guide you on a pathway to the successful and flawless integration of these two platforms. 

Choosing Emizentech will prove to be the right choice for your objective. It holds a team of certified Salesforce developers who help the clientele meet their personalization, dynamic support, data sync, and more relevant needs. 

Key Takeaways

While wrapping up, we hope you have learned why you should integrate Shopify and Salesforce and found a suitable way to connect Shopify to Salesforce. You should do this to benefit your business and boost your revenue. 

We have mentioned chief five options for shopify salesforce integration; you should go for the one with your specific business requirements and expertise. 

Suppose you are looking for professionals to integrate these two platforms. In that case, you should connect with an expert Salesforce Integration Partner holding experience in Shopify and Salesforce integration to complete your job seamlessly. 

Get in touch with a Salesforce development company today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How Do I Integrate Shopify Into Salesforce?

You can choose any of the below options:
• Download Shopify made easy app from Salesforce AppExchange
• Use any third-party integration platform
• Go for Shopify API and Salesforce Apex language

Q. Why Should I Integrate Shopify with Salesforce?

Various benefits are there that you can experience post-integration the Salesforce and Shopify. The biggest among these is the ease of tracking, analyzing, and managing CRM and e-commerce data simultaneously. 

Q. How Does the Salesforce-Shopify Integration Improve Customer Experience?

By streamlining data management, the Shopify and Salesforce integration frees customers from manual data entry, diminishing the error risk and improving customer experience. 

Q. Does the Salesforce-Shopify Integration Support Multi-Channel Selling, Including Social Media Platforms?

Yes, you can manage your storefronts on multiple channels, including social media platforms, by integrating Shopify with Salesforce. 

Q. Can the Integration Support Multiple Shopify Stores Within a Single Salesforce Org?

Yes, this integration supports syncing multiple Shopify stores with one Salesforce CRM account to ease the products, customers, and order management from one place. 

Q. How Much Investment Will You Need to Integrate Salesforce with Shopify?

The cost for Shopify Salesforce integration depends on the app or 3rd-party platform or whichever option you choose to conduct integration seamlessly. Shopify made easy app is free, never demands any payment. 

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With a decade of experience in eCommerce technologies and CRM solutions, Virendra has been assisting businesses across the globe to harness the capabilities of information technology by developing, maintaining, and improving clients’ IT infrastructure and applications. A leader in his own rights his teammates see him as an avid researcher and a tech evangelist. To know how the team Virendra can assist your business to adopt modern technologies to simplify business processes and enhance productivity. Let’s Talk.
