Almost every month, we find Shopware ready with a new release, which makes it easier for developers and merchants to use this eCommerce platform to build an online presence for their business. This time, the major release of Shopware 6.5 will soon be within your reach. But firstly, the brand has availed a beta version of the release candidate (RC), letting developers test its pre-release version and leave feedback for improvement. 

How to Give Feedback for Beta Version of Release Candidate (RC)?

Shopware has set up a unique Slack Channel to let developers put feedback and questions (if any) about the release candidate. 

Make Your App Be Set for the Upcoming Release

The manufacturers should take this RC phase as the high time to make their plug-in system-based apps compatible until the Shopware 6.5 final release. Here, Rector can lend a helping hand. You can use this tool to upgrade and refactor your app’s PHP code. 

What to Expect Post the Final Release of RC?

Well, until the final release of RC, no features will be added; only bug fixing will be accomplished. So, with the RC, you already hold a sketch of the Shopware 6.5 final version, almost. 

Upcoming Changes for Developers

  • Custom entities in Shopware CMS
  • Combined rule conditions to ease the Addition of New Rules
  • Improved Shopware installer
  • Queue system changed the font family in the Shopware administration
  • New icons in the Shopware administration panel
  • Improved performance of Shopware administration
  • Bootstrap 5.2.2 Update
  • Eliminated jQuery dependency
  • Dropped Internet Explorer 11 support
  • No more custom off-canvas implementation
  • Releasing new storefront Figma library
  • Small design update in the storefront
  • Updates of ESlint, Stylelint, Sass & Babel setup
  • Remove unnecessary dependencies
  • Update to webpack 5
  • Changed quantity selectors
  • Subsequent use of SameSite Cookie Strategy
  • Extensive changes in the admin order module
  • Remove prefixes in the manifest file
  • Upgraded manifest schema for app programming

For more, check out the update guide

If you also want to expand your online business, hire a leading Shopware development company today! Shopware experts holding years of experience will help you develop a user-friendly and custom eCommerce store meeting your business-specific requirements. So, time to let your business stand out in the market. Connect now!

Ganesh Tharol

Ganesh Tharol's expertise in programming allowed him to streamline his workflow significantly. A hunt for new opportunities led him to cloud computing. When it comes to AWS, Ganesh Tharol is a full-stack DevOps with exceptional development skills, as seen by his many certifications and successful developments.
