The digital transformation has flourished many businesses, including grocery stores, which is impressive. We live in a fast-paced world, and Grocery shopping is a highly time-consuming process.

First, you need a day off to plan your grocery shopping. Then, you wander from store to store to find the appropriate item and wait in the long billing queue.

Who has this much time when you can quickly get your everyday supply at your doorstep?

Grocery delivery apps are a boon to consumers and entrepreneurs because this business domain is evolving.

According to Statista, 25% of users buy groceries online, and this number is increasing significantly due to digital adoption. Knowing this, startups and entrepreneurs are willing to invest in this segment, and existing grocery businesses are willing to shift to the online platform to gain a competitive edge.

If you are wondering how much it costs to build a grocery delivery app, we will give you an idea so you stay within budget during the development phase. 

Thus, the cost to build a grocery delivery app ranges between $20,000 and $200,000+ and can differ depending on various factors, which we will discuss later in the blog. 

This blog provides insights into the cost of developing a grocery delivery app, the factors affecting it, and tips on reducing the cost.

An Average Cost To Build A Grocery Delivery App

Understanding the average cost of building a grocery delivery app is crucial for businesses and entrepreneurs to set realistic budgets for their business requirements. 

The average cost of building a grocery delivery app is not a fixed figure. It’s a range spanning from  $20,000 to $200,000+. This wide gap is influenced by several factors, including the app’s complexity, the chosen platform, the location of the development team, features, and functionality. 

Note that this cost is an average estimation because it can oscillate even with the slightest changes in the development stage.

We will give you an overview of an average cost by breaking it down according to the complexity of the on-demand grocery delivery app. 

Complexity Average cost 
Grocery delivery app’s basic features $20,000- $80,000+
Grocery delivery app with moderate features $80,000- $150,000+
Grocery delivery app with advanced features $150,000-$200,000+

Knowing average costs allows for better cost control and management throughout the development process, helping to avoid unexpected expenses. Moving on to the next section, we will understand the factors that affect the cost of developing a grocery delivery app. 

Factors That Affect The Cost Of Building A Grocery Delivery App 

A successful grocery delivery app can open doors to new markets and demographics, further increasing revenue potential. However, it would help if you considered factors affecting the overall cost to make an app for grocery delivery successful. 

Understanding these factors not only aids in initial budgeting but also plays a critical role in maximizing ROI and ensuring long-term business success. Let’s discuss them down below.

1. App Platform

The choice of app platform can significantly impact development costs. Developing a native app for iOS or Android typically requires separate codebases, leading to higher costs.  

App Platform Cost 
Native app ( For iOS or Android)$20,000 to $150,000+ for Android
$30,000 to $200,000+ for iOS
Cross-platform $20,000 – $180,000+

On the other hand, cross-platform app development can be more cost-effective as it allows for a single codebase to run on multiple platforms. However, it’s important to note that this approach may come with performance or user experience trade-offs. 

2. Location Of The Development Company

Geographic location is a key factor in cost analysis, with companies in North America or Europe generally having a higher rate than those in Asian countries due to higher living costs. Understanding this influence is crucial in making informed cost decisions. 

Location Hourly Rates
North America (US, Canada) $100-$250 +
Western Europe (UK, Germany, France)$75-$200+
Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine)$30-$80+
Asia (India, China, Southeast Asia)$20-$60+

You can outsource them from Eastern Europe or Asia and offer significant savings without compromising quality, although communication and time zone differences may arise. 

3. Size Of The Development Team

For example, the size of the development team can affect the cost. A larger team that includes developers, designers, QA, and project managers can increase overall expenses. 

Development Team Structure Cost Range Percentage Of Total Cost %
Project Manager $2,000-$30,000+10%-15%
UI/UX Designer $3,000-$40,000+15%-20%
Frontend Developer $5,000-$50,000+20%-25%
Backend Developer$5,000-$60,000+20%-30%
Quality Assurance Testing (QAT)$2,000-$30,000+10%-20%
Business Analyst (BA)$2,000-$15,000+5%-10%
Marketing & Sales $2,000-$10,000+5%-10%

Conversely, smaller teams may reduce costs but could impact the speed and quality of the grocery app development. 

4. Cost Based On Development Stages

Before entering the market, the grocery delivery app goes through various stages, including planning, designing, development, testing, and deployment. 

Stages Estimated Cost %
Planning and requirements stage 5-10%
UI/Ux Design 10-20%
Development 40-60%
Testing &QA10–20%
Deployment & launch 5-10%
Maintenance & Support 10-15%

Each stage incurs costs and a phased approach, which you can manage by developing the MVP. This approach allows you to validate your concept before investing in full-fledged development, instilling confidence in your app’s potential success. 

5. Cost Based On The Complexity Of Features

The number of features you include in your app becomes complex, which means the cost is higher. The complexity of your grocery delivery app can directly influence the price. 

Thus, building a grocery app with basic features will cost you around $20,000- $80,000; if you wish to moderate or advanced features, the cost will range from $80,000 to $30,000. 

Let’s understand the features you get based on the grocery delivery app’s complexity: 

Basic Features Moderate Features Advanced Features 
User Registration and loginDetailed user profiles with order history & preferences Advanced search and filtering 
Product search and browsing Product rating and reviewsSubscription services
Shopping cartPromotions and discountsMultiple payment options
Checkout processReal-time order tracking In-app chat support
Order confirmationPush notificationsDelivery Scheduling 
Delivery address managementWishlist Inventory management for admin
Analytics dashboard
Loyalty programs 

6. App Development Tech Stack & Technologies

The success of grocery app development depends on the chosen tech stack and technologies. These include frameworks, coding techniques, APIs, programming languages, and cloud storage. Being informed about these elements is crucial for a successful app development journey.

If you want to build a custom grocery delivery app, you can choose pre-built libraries ready-made development tools that are cost-effective. 

Hidden Cost For Grocery App Development

Understanding these hidden costs is essential for accurately assessing the feasibility of your grocery app project. By presenting a comprehensive cost analysis, you can provide stakeholders with a clearer picture of the financial landscape and the potential of ROI.

1. Infrastructure Costs

Infrastructure cost is hidden because it possesses all the software and hardware assets necessary for the smooth functioning of your application. These are the foundational expenses necessary to support the app’s functionality, which include:

  • Cloud hosting costs for servers, storage, and bandwidth to host the app and manage user data. 
  • Database management expenses include data systems used for storing product information, user profiles, and transaction histories.

All the investment needed to ensure the infrastructure can handle increased traffic as the user base grows, including load balancers and additional server resources. 

2. Security and Compliance

Security and compliance are additional costs when we talk about grocery app development costs. Ensuring the app is secure and compliant with regulations is crucial, so you must invest in robust security services such as: 

  • Data protection services implement encryption and secure payment gateways to protect user data and financial information. 
  • Adhering to laws such as GDPR or PCI DSS may require costs, legal consultations, and regular audits to ensure the app remains secure against threats. 

3. Third-Party Services

Many grocery apps rely on third-party services to enhance their functionality, which can add to the cost.  For example, PayPal or Stripe charge transaction processing fees.

Moreover, the cost of integrating third-party APIs for features like delivery tracking, inventory management, or customer support services, as well as expenses for analytics tools that provide insights into user behavior and app performance. 

4. Maintenance and Updates

If you want your grocery app to be successful in the long run, you must invest in maintenance services, which include bug fixes and costs related to adding new features based on user feedback and market trends.

Additional cost on the compatibility updates ensures the app remains compatible with the new operating systems and devices. 

5. Marketing and User Acquisition

Building a user base requires strategic marketing efforts, which can be costly. These marketing aspects include advertising expenses for digital marketing campaigns, such as social media influencer partnerships.

Promotions and discounts can incur additional costs associated with offering promotions to attract new users, such as discounts or referral bonuses. 

How To Reduce The Cost Of Grocery App Development?

You can reduce grocery app development cost by adopting strategic planning and efficient resource management while delivering a high-quality product. Just carefully plan and smartly strategize innovative management to achieve a successful and cost-effective app launch.

Here are some tips to reduce the cost of grocery app development. 

1. Clearly Defining Requirements 

Thorough research and planning help you determine what your user needs and wants. This will help you with clear outlines of the app’s features and functionalities; you can proceed with saving time and money.

2. Choosing The Right Development Approach 

Before investing in full-scale grocery app development, you can start with the MVP approach. This approach will help you validate your idea and gather data and insight into user needs and market competition. 

3. Eliminating Unnecessary Features

When you develop the MVP of your grocery app, you learn about the essential features, which means you can focus on these for the initial phase and later consider adding advanced features in a full-scale grocery app. This process will help you eliminate unnecessary features.  

4. Agile Development Methodology 

Agile development methodology is the best approach. Agile teams are measured on their success by 47% are measured by on-time delivery while 44% are measured by Business objectives achieved.  Include agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, etc, that focus on iterative development and continuous improvement. 

Automated testing tools are used to reduce the time and cost associated with manual testing, ensuring quality without extensive labor. 

5. Carefully Choosing The Tech Stack 

Tools and tech stack are responsible for app success. Choosing them carefully will accelerate the development of the grocery delivery app. Also, the right technologies that help in the development process require developers’ proficiency, which is cost-effective. 

Utilize open-source libraries to reduce development time and avoid licensing fees associated with proprietary software. Additionally, you can benefit from the community-driven resources and forums for troubleshooting and enhancements. 

6. Hiring Experts For Grocery App Development 

Hire freelancers or outsource experienced freelancers and development agencies in regions with lower labor costs. Ensure they have a proven track record in app development. You can build a remote team to reduce overhead costs associated with physical office spaces. 

7. Automated Tasks 

Use automated tools for testing and deployment. This will allow you to manage repetitive tasks easily, reduce the time and cost associated with manual testing, and ensure quality without extensive labor. In addition, it will free your developers’ time, allowing them to focus on more complex issues. 

8. Focus On User Experience Design 

Invest in a straightforward and intuitive user interface to reduce development time and costs associated with complex designs. You can regularly gather user feedback to make informed design decisions, minimizing costly redesigns later. 

9. Consider Cloud-Based Services

Use cloud-based services for hosting and storage to avoid the high costs of maintaining physical servers and infrastructure. Opt for cloud services that offer flexible pricing based on usage, which can help manage costs effectively. 

10. Plain For Maintenance In Early Stages

To reduce the grocery app’s development cost, design the app with scalability in mind, minimizing future costs related to upgrades and maintenance. By scheduling regular maintenance and updates to prevent more significant, more costly issues down the line. 

11. Set A Budget For Marketing And User Acquisition

Set a prior budget for marketing practices and user acquisition so that you can control overspending on these practices.  Utilize social media and content marketing strategies that require lower budgets but can yield high engagement. Focus on building a community and encourage user referrals to reduce acquisition costs. 

Why Consider EmizenTech To Develop Your Grocery App In Budget?

On-demand grocery apps have become trendsetters and have already become a giant piece of the on-demand market. Due to time constraints, it’s hard for consumers to schedule time for their grocery needs. This paint point is fully eliminated by the development companies. 

If you are stuck with the development approach, try consulting with an experienced software development company.  

EmizenTech has a proven track record in developing mobile applications for various industries, including grocery. With experience, they can understand your business approach and this niche’s unique challenges and requirements. 

The best part is that we can offer you tailored solutions that are cost-effective without compromising on the quality of your grocery app development. 

From creation to deployment, we eliminate the risk of costly mistakes. Our agile development approach enables you to make changes based on real-time feedback without incurring significant costs. 

Additionally we offer maintenance services to ensure your apps meet the user needs. Choosing us is the best cost-effective approach, high-quality solution for your tailored needs.


Creating a grocery delivery service can quickly fulfill the demand of users worldwide. Due to time constraints, users are widely adopting and liking the idea of a grocery app. If you provide customers with a unique app that can solve significant user issues, your app can be successful in no time. For this, you need to work on user experience, technical aspects, robust security measures, and logistics obstacles. Thus, this niche has the potential to gain higher revenue than the other niches. You just need an experienced development partner by your side, and you are good to go. 

Most grocery businesses and entrepreneurs fear the cost of development. However, the cost to develop a grocery delivery app depends on your project’s requirements. To get a detailed quote, consult an experienced app development company. They thoroughly analyze your requirements, prioritize features and functionalities that align with your business objectives, and help you to create a cost-effective grocery app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. How much does it typically cost to develop a basic grocery delivery app?

The basic delivery app includes minimum features and functionality to get you started with your app. The cost can range from $20,000- $80,000, and this amount can increase or decrease according to your requirements.

Q 2. How long does It take to build a grocery delivery app?

Completed grocery delivery app development would take four months to one year. This timeline can increase or decrease according to the complexity of your project. 

Q 3. What additional costs should I consider beyond the initial development?

When developing a grocery app, consider several additional costs beyond initial development. For example, ongoing maintenance costs, hosting and infrastructure expenses, security and compliance, and marketing and user acquisition cost.

Q 4. What main factors influence the cost of developing a grocery delivery app?

Several factors affect the cost of building a grocery app, including platform choice, complexity of the app, developer’s location, and timeline.

Q 5. Can I customize my grocery delivery app to include unique features?

Yes, you can customize a grocery delivery app according to your project needs, but customizing will increase grocery app development costs, as it requires additional design, coding, and testing efforts.

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CTO at Emizentech and a member of the Forbes technology council, Amit Samsukha, is acknowledged by the Indian tech world as an innovator and community builder. He has a well-established vocation with 12+ years of progressive experience in the technology industry. He directs all product initiatives, worldwide sales and marketing, and business enablement. He has spearheaded the journey in the e-commerce landscape for various businesses in India and the U.S.
