Alexa, turn on the lights; Siri, what’s the weather Today? You can command your device; the virtual assistant will give instant results. Virtual assistants have eliminated the process of writing and searching. Whether you want to manage your electronic device, read the news, or schedule your meetings, intelligent Virtual assistant apps make everything possible. 

The latest technology has opened many doors for opportunities not limited to large-scale organizations. A report suggests that the market for virtual assistants is estimated at USD 14.77 billion in 2024 and reach $60.83 billion by 2029. At a CAGR of 32.73% during the forecast period 2024-29. We are not far from the day when voice assistants will become a necessity. 

Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa have significantly impacted users’ lives worldwide. Moreover, this technology has streamlined users’ lives by managing their daily tasks. Because of this, businesses are willing to invest in virtual assistant app development, as it simplifies user lives and provides a competitive advantage to their product services.

In this detailed guide, we will discuss how to build a virtual assistant app with advanced features to include and how much it will cost. Let’s dive in!

“Virtual Assistant App saves valuable time.”

What Is A Virtual Assistant App?

A Virtual Assistant App is a software application that uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to provide users with an interactive and intelligent digital assistant. 

These apps are designed to help users with various tasks, including voice commands, voice control, information retrieval, task automation, and personal assistance. 

However, top voice assistants like Echo, Alexa, and Google Assistant are available on the market. These virtual assistant apps are designed to help users to simplify their general tasks. 

Technological advancement allows the virtual assistant to perform more than the general tasks. Also, these apps can help you schedule meetings, order necessities for you, and remind you about important events.

The reason behind their Popularity

One of the main reasons behind the popularity of voice assistants is the demand for voice technology. This technology has already eliminated typing in search engines. Now, it transforms users’ lives by simplifying their interaction with the device through voice commands.

 The business research insight shows that the global virtual assistant market will be USD 8613 million by 2028, with a CAGR of 22.3% by the forecast period. 

This shows that the voice assistant market is expanding, and user demand is increasing daily, so it’s the right time to invest in virtual assistant app development. But before we delve into the development process, we will discuss how they work in the next section.

How Does Virtual Assistant App Work?

The voice assistant apps function based on AI algorithms and NLP ( Natural Language Processing ) techniques, which allow machines to break down human language and perform actions accordingly. 

Virtual assistants are passive listening devices that need a wake command to activate them. In short, a user says a phrase and gives a voice command to the virtual assistant, such as ‘Hey Siri.’ This request is sent to the server for data processing, and the device gets activated. Also, the virtual assistant must be connected to the internet to search for answers according to the user’s commands. After waking the device, you must ask your question without pausing; if the assistant doesn’t understand your command, it let you know. 

The virtual assistant app relies on advanced technologies such as AI, ML NLP, and data processing to understand and respond to user interactions. 

The Reason Why Businesses Are Shifting Towards Virtual Assistant Technology

The market has several virtual assistant apps, but only some apps fulfill the requirements of every user. And businesses are seeking ways to simplify user’s tasks and streamline operations.

This is why businesses must put their utmost effort into the voice assistant app development process that fulfills every user demand.

However, various reasons drive businesses to develop voice recognition apps. Let’s discuss them below.

1. Easy To Use 

One of the main reasons for the popularity of these apps is that they simplify the process of general tasks. Anyone can easily use the app by giving commands to the virtual assistant, whether adults or older adults.

Moreover, voice communication is way easier and faster than writing and searching. As it provides instant results, businesses seek voice-recognition app development services. 

2. Cost Efficient

Another reason why businesses are embracing this technology is because it is cost-efficient. It can significantly reduce operational costs by eliminating hiring voice assistants for repetitive tasks.

3. Increased Productivity

When it comes to productivity, virtual assistants allow employees to focus on more strategic work by automating routine tasks. In layman’s terms, it can handle customer queries and provide instant support by channeling them to FAQs.

4. 24/7 Availability 

Some companies operate in multiple time zones, and virtual assistants can work around the clock. Traditionally, some businesses require human intervention, but now, it can quickly be solved with these technical assistants.

5. Global Market Accessibility 

The reason behind the popularity of virtual assistants is the global market accessibility. A virtual assistant allows businesses to hire talent from another country regardless of location. And they can finish work quicker than humans.

4. Privacy and Security 

Privacy and security is another reason for considerable demand. These virtual assistants are developed to provide services by keeping security aspects in mind. 

However, when a user uses these services, their data is fully protected, creating a sense of security in their mind.

5. Adaptability to User Needs

Virtual assistants can adapt to every user’s demands. Whether you want to manage digital gadgets or schedule a meeting, it can quickly fulfill user needs. 

Making Virtual assistant apps valuable assets for businesses to fulfill every user’s demands.

6. Emotional Connection 

During the pandemic, many people feel alone due to house arrest. In the meantime, companies develop virtual assistant apps so that interaction with them makes users emotionally connected. This feature is quite helpful for older ones and motivates businesses to choose virtual assistant development services.

Types Of Virtual Assistant Apps You Can Develop or Integrate In An App

The ongoing demand for Virtual assistant apps is increasing daily, and the market is filled with some of the best Virtual assistant apps. However, developing successful virtual assistant apps is not easy, and it is challenging for businesses to create virtual assistants that don’t end up in a void. If you want to successfully integrate or establish a virtual assistant, focus on providing the best services to the users. 

But before you delve into the development process, let’s discuss the types of virtual assistants below.

1. Voice Assistant App 

A voice assistant app is a software application trained to give results on user voice commands. Some of the best voice assistant apps in the market are Google Assistant and Siri, which are immensely popular and used worldwide. 

They process the data using voice recognition and AI process algorithms and give relevant information. However, various features make them immensely popular among users; take a look.


  • Instant reply by using voice recognition
  • 24/7 availability
  • Personalized response driven by AI power 
  • Task automation
  • Proactive assistance and suggestions

If you choose a virtual assistant app development with these features and want to change the landscape of the Virtual assistant app industry. Partner with EmizenTech, and you will be one step closer to a successful path.

2. Chatbots 

A chatbot is a trained computer program that generates human-like responses, allowing humans to interact with digital assistants as they are communicating with real people. They can also process human conversation, whether written or spoken, and respond instantly.

Moreover, chatbots are trained to provide information related to the user’s query. The reason behind this is the presence of AI, NLP, and ML technologies. These technologies process the data and deliver results accordingly. 

Customer care businesses are choosing chatbot app development because it eliminates the cost of hiring human representatives. They are cost-effective and provide 24/7 availability to enhance the productivity of business. 

In ITSM ( IT service management), chatbots are frequently used for self-service and automating tasks. Chatbots, such as outage alerts, system status, knowledge management, etc can solve some general tasks. On the other hand, chatbots help solve customer queries, raise tickets, and perform other activities.


  • Omnichannel support 
  • Seamless integration with your existing tech stack
  • Multilingual capabilities
  • Automatic updation
  • Intent recognition

If you plan to build a chatbot or integrate it into your existing tech stack, connect with EmizenTech. We will help you create a seamless platform that solves your customer queries quicker than ever.

3. AI Avatars 

Recently, AI has created a buzz in every domain, and almost every industry uses AI app development services. The latest use of AI is creating AI avatars or digital portraits of users. 

Many AI avatar apps allow users to create digital avatars by scanning their facial expressions or using existing selfies. In other words, users can take their selfies via the AI Avatar app, and the AI and ML algorithms easily create 3D imprints that look exactly like them. 

After creating the avatars, users can use them in games, on social media, etc. And can customize the avatars in whatever way they want them to look.

However, the market of AI avatars is highly competitive, and to stay ahead, businesses need to invest in techno-advanced mobile app development services. Despite the competition, companies are integrating advanced features in AI avatar apps to stay ahead in the market.

Take a look at some of the advanced features.


  • Emotion recognition
  • Personalization & customization options
  • Voice recognition
  • Use of Augmented reality
  • Multilingual support
  • Background removal 

So, if you are comfortable starting AI avatar app development, you must first plan all features. Don’t worry about the competitive aspect of the AI market; by partnering with EmizenTech, you can turn your app into a successful business venture.

4. Intelligent Recommendation Virtual Assistant App

The intelligent recommendation virtual assistant is an AI assistant that goes beyond user command. It uses AI algorithms and machine learning techniques to suggest relevant results related to user queries. Siri, Alexa, and GPT-4 are some of the intelligent recommendation virtual assistant apps. 

However, several types of intelligent recommendation Virtual assistant apps exist, such as chatbots, AI avatars, and domain-specific voice assistants. The only difference between these Virtual assistant apps is the task they perform by specific actions. For example, chatbots can solve user queries using critical thinking, and voice assistants work by using NLP and AI techniques.

On the other hand, domain-specific virtual assistants are highly assisted in specific industries. They are highly optimized for industries such as travel, cybersecurity, finance, and ITSM. But before you build an intelligent recommendation virtual assistant app, let’s explore its features: 


  • Personalization by providing a personalized response
  • Content awareness by integrating AI algorithms
  • IoT control
  • Contextual customer support 
  • Natural language understanding 

If you are inspired by the famous examples of intelligent recommendation virtual assistant apps and want to build one for your business. Let us help you create a platform that has a lasting impact on users.

5. Virtual Companion Assistant App

Virtual companion assistant apps are AI assistants trained to provide user companionship. These AI apps act according to user interests and respond like user’s best friend. Basically, they are trained to provide emotional support to users, who respond using slang and syntax that replicate human natural language. 

Moreover, users can customize the virtual assistant’s look, and with time, users can personalize the app. Replika is one of the popular virtual companion assistant apps that is designed to analyze keywords and phrases that detect stress and suicidal thoughts. These virtual companion assistant apps provide users with emotional and moral support to cope with anxiety, loneliness, or many other issues. 

Thanks to AI advancement, these apps are helping humans to be free from mental health issues. Let’s check out some of the fantastic features of these virtual companion assistant apps.


  • Emotional support 
  • Personalization and customization
  • Conversational AI
  • Goal setting and tracking 
  • Positive affirmation support

If you have innovative ideas and want to create a virtual companion assistant app, we are here to help and take your idea to the next level. 

6. Personal Assistant App Development

A personal assistant is similar to all kinds of virtual assistants; the only difference is that it is not limited to specific responses and results. A personal assistant is more than answering a query to their user; it can perform tasks such as scheduling meetings and reminding a user about certain events that the user forgets. 

In short, personal AI assistant apps know your likes and dislikes and serve accordingly. While some devices have an inbuilt personal assistant app, they can control phone calls, emails, calendars, etc. 

However, each app requires customization and an operating system to work effectively. Google Assistant is a famous example of a personal AI assistant app that is inbuilt on every Android device. 

Let’s explore it’s advanced features:


  • Smart home control
  • Healthcare support
  • News and events updates
  • Entertainment and content discovery
  • Personalized user experience
  • Voice commands for general tasks

If you want to develop a personal assistant app, let’s work together and achieve new heights in the personal assistant app landscape.

Benefits Of Developing A Virtual Assistant App

We have explored all types of virtual assistant apps, and it’s time to discuss the benefits of developing virtual assistant app for your business.

1. Enhanced User Experience

Virtual assistants enhance the user experience by providing precise responses to user commands. By using AI algorithms, machine learning, and NLP, they offer personalized recommendations to deliver human-like experiences.

Continuously learning the likes and dislikes of users shows results based on user preferences. Overall, it enhances user experience in several ways. On the business end, it solves user queries by automating responses and solving customer-centric issues. On the user end, a virtual assistant can manage their tasks efficiently and provide solutions instantly.   

2. 24/7 Availability

The need for 24/7 availability in customer-centric businesses plays a significant role. AI personal assistants can be available 24/7 and provide quick responses globally.

This virtual assistant support is Valuable for businesses in several ways. The main benefit a business gets from it is it maintains a work-life balance that eventually saves the company’s cost and time. It is also cost-efficient and simultaneously streamlines operations with the best results.

3. Increased Productivity

If you want to increase your business productivity, invest in building virtual assistant app. The AI can work without getting tired and can manage routine tasks efficiently.

Large enterprises can handle complex logistics tasks seamlessly, and leaders can focus on other activities. This process leads to an increase in productivity and becomes cost-effective at the same time. 

4. Multitasking Capabilities

Virtual assistants can handle customer support, schedule meetings, remind you about important events, give instant replies to user queries, as well as manage smart digital devices, and so on.

Their multitasking capabilities have made them popular recently, and businesses want to invest in developing advanced virtual assistant apps.

5. Accessibility for People with Disabilities

Intelligent Virtual assistant apps have proven to be a boon for people with disabilities. Digital devices integrated with intelligent virtual assistants can manage several tasks for cognitively impaired people, such as ordering food, clothes, and basic necessities for them.

Robin Christopherson, head of digital inclusion at AbilityNet, states that virtual assistants such as Siri, Google Now, and Cortana save his time in getting work done. 

“ What Siri can do in five seconds? I might take five minutes or sometimes ten.”

A report shows that Google can understand human language with 95% accuracy and provide meaningful results. This states that virtual assistants can support people with disabilities with much accuracy. From placing food orders to calling their caretakers, Virtual assistant apps are changing the lives of disabled people. 

6. Personalized Assistance

Users can personalize virtual assistance according to their needs. They can modify and make them work smarter as per their preferences. For businesses, Virtual assistant apps are self-employed workers who can work 24/7 and offer better services to clients without getting tired. 

Therefore, virtual assistants have become more prominent for small and large businesses as they can perform complex tasks & streamline their management process. 

If you want to drive benefits out of the Virtual Assistant app, you can contact a mobile app development company to build a Virtual Assistant app for you.

A Step-by-step Process To Build a Virtual Assistant App? 

Now that you know all the benefits of developing a Virtual assistant app, you can start your development process with this comprehensive guide. Take a look.

1. Define the Purpose and Functionality

First and foremost step, you need to define the purpose of your app before starting the virtual assistant app development process. You will come across market gaps and user demands by conducting market research. 

Now, you can pen down the market demands and create a blueprint for your virtual assistant app. By studying other competitors’ apps, you can develop your app with better functionality and services. 

2.  Choose the Right Technology Stack

After deciding on your app’s purpose, choosing the right tech stack for making your virtual assistant app is what makes your app successful. It is as important as choosing the right mobile app development partner to create a fully functional mobile application.

3. Design the User Interface and User Experience

Compelling design aspects are crucial for creating an attractive and functional user environment. Plus, user experience is essential as it will help users navigate your app smoothly, leading to a successful application.

Initially, experts focus on researching target audience needs and preferences for creating mockups later, which pass to developers to provide app functionality.

4. Develop the Core Functionality

In this stage, the team of developers creates code to build a virtual assistant app. They provide functionality to the app interface and give life to the app. 

5. Implement Voice Recognition and Natural Language Processing

By implementing voice recognition and NLP will help your Virtual assistant app to understand human input and respond accordingly. On the other hand, by incorporating machine learning, the app can improve its knowledge and give precise results. 

6. Integrate Third-Party APIs and Services

Now, you can build virtual assistant apps in three ways. First, we will integrate voice assistant technology with API integration. Secondly, you can build a Virtual assistant app with open-source APIs and services. And lastly, you can start building a virtual assistant app from scratch and integrate a voice assistant app into it.

Therefore, you must choose according to your app requirements. So, integrating these third-party APIs and services will save you time and money, no matter what method you select. 

7. Quality Assurance Testing of the App

Test the app to ensure it is free from bugs and errors. By launching the Beta version of your app, you will gather user feedback, and you can make changes accordingly. After your app is free from every error, it is ready to launch in the market.

8. Deploy and Launch

Once your app is completed and tested, it will be ready for deployment. You can deploy your app on platforms like playstore and App Store. Ensure your app checks all the guidelines to launch successfully on these platforms. 

If your app passes the guidelines check, it can be successfully launched. After this, you can implement the marketing techniques to make your app reachable to your target audience. 

How Much Does Virtual Assistant App Development Cost? 

Now that you know how to create a virtual assistant app, let’s talk about how much it costs to develop an app like Siri or Echo. Initially, it would cost from $30,000 to $20,0000, depending on the complexity of your app, developer location, and chosen platform. 

Some significant factors affect the cost, whereas others might add up to the price, such as after-development procedures such as marketing and maintenance services. 

Let’s see the factors affecting the overall development costs of a virtual assistant app. 

  • Chosen platform
  • Tech stack
  • Developer location
  • Complexity of the app

However, the accurate price depends on your requirements; your project’s complexity will decide its cost and timeline. Here, we have provided the rough estimates; if you want an accurate price, let’s discuss the project with us. 

Popular Virtual Assistant Apps Existed In The Market, You Can Integrate

Until recently, the virtual assistant app market has been gaining popularity worldwide. Popular apps such as Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, and many others are widely adopted in many homes. 

This makes businesses invest in integrating voice assistants into their product services. Although these popular apps create a buzz in the market, virtual assistant apps are highly competitive. If you want your virtual assistant app to be successful in this competitive environment, provide users with better services than your competitors.  

Here, you can get the essential details about these popular Virtual assistant apps. Let’s go.

1. Siri

The most popular Apple VA is  Siri. This VA gets triggered by the command “Hey Siri,” which asks for your query, and you get an instant reply. It has over 375 million active users, and the intelligent assistant protects privacy. Users can make calls, schedule appointments, ask directions while driving home, and manage smart appliances. Everything is done in the blink of an eye.

However, to integrate Siri into your iOS device, you need to hire expert iOS developers. 

2. Google Assistant

Google Assistant is a virtual assistant developed by Google. The primary function of this virtual assistant is to provide accurate results according to the users. 

Moreover, Google Assistant is primarily trained to simplify daily tasks for users. The command can trigger the device ‘Hey Google’ to ask your question without any pause, as it can catch the background voices and respond accordingly.

Google Assistant app works with selected apps. If you want Google Assistant for your app, you must register your app with Google first.  

3. Amazon Alexa

Another best virtual assistant is Amazon Alexa. It can connect to any device that has internet access. From playing your favorite song, reading the latest headlines, or managing your smart devices, Alexa makes user life quite easier.

Just command ‘ Alexa, turn on the light,’ and instantly, it lights the light bulb. 

4. Microsoft Cortana

Microsoft developed Cortana voice assistant, which is used in mobile apps and desktops. It works similarly to Siri and can perform various user tasks, including solving math problems.

However, Cortana is available in selected countries, and some features might not be available everywhere.  

5. Samsung Bixby

Bixby is similar to any other virtual assistant, a Samsung version of VA. It is available on every Samsung device, whether it’s a TV, phone, refrigerator, or tablet. 

It is preinstalled on Samsung devices; users can send text messages, call a friend, and so on. Before using it for Samsung’s new devices, you must activate this voice assistant. 

Tools and Tech Stack Required For Virtual Assistant App Development

Tools and technology are the main pillars of the voice recognition app development process. By choosing the right tech stack it helps you in creating competitive apps. So, if you want your app to succeed, choose the tech stack carefully. 

Here is a list of tools and technologies that help you bring your virtual assistant app to life.

CategoryTools and Technologies
NLP (Natural learning processing) and ML (Machine learning) librariesNLTK, Spacy, Stanford 
TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn
Backend technologies
Node.JS, Ruby on Rails, and Django
Database management systems
MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and MySQL
Frontend technologies
HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Speech recognitionGoogle Speech API, IBM Watson Speech-to-text
Cloud servicesAmazon web administrations (AWS) and Google Cloud
Mobile App Development FrameworksFlutter, React native, Ionic
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)Squirro, Mosaicx, My AskAI
  User Interface (UI) Design ToolsFigma, AdobeXD, and Sketch, Invision

Challenges and Their Solutions While Building Virtual Assistant App

When you start developing your virtual assistant app, you must consider many things to make your app successful in the long run. Below, we have mentioned some common challenges and solutions while building a Virtual assistant app. 

1. User Data Security and Privacy

Introducing a Virtual assistant app for your company and enhancing productivity is easy. The actual job comes when it comes to user data and privacy. The virtual assistant app has access to a wide range of user data.

Therefore, user data security is crucial to prevent data breaches and misuse of personal information. This can be solved when your virtual assistant is laced with robust security. The adoption rate will increase if user privacy is handled with solid security while using your Virtual assistant app.

2. Integration with Third-Party APIs

To provide a personalized experience to the users, developers integrate virtual assistant apps with third-party APIs. With this, the Virtual assistant app can schedule meetings, remind users about significant events, etc. 

Now, the problem arises when users face performance issues because of APIs. Another major issue arises with data priVirtual assistant app cy when sharing user personal data with third-party services. 

You can prevent data breaches by implementing robust security measures. Additionally, get updated with the latest security measures and strictly maintain the confidentiality of client data.

3. Personalization and Context Awareness

Due to personalization and context awareness, virtual assistants can give precise results to users. But sometimes, the conversation context is challenging for the virtual assistant to understand. These virtual assistants personalize experiences by knowing who the user is; they have data about the user, and this data is used for personalizing the conversation.

Mistakes happen when the virtual assistant doesn’t understand the context and cannot provide accurate results. In this case, you must implement dialogue management and context-tracking techniques to maintain context across interactions.

4. Scalability and Performance

Scalability and performance are critical while developing the virtual assistant app to ensure it can handle increasing user load and give results accordingly. In peak times, a virtual assistant can handle the workflow of tasks like data entry and customer inquiries.

When the user grows, the virtual assistant in your app must respond to every query without degradation. For this, you must use cloud services to store and manage the amount of virtual assistant app data.

Moreover, continuously guide the Virtual Assistant team in training the assistant on the latest developments in your business.  

Why Choose EmizenTech To Develop a Virtual Assistant App?

Today, the market is filled with top-notch virtual assistant apps; choosing the right development company is crucial if you have an idea to beat your competitors. Partnering with an experienced mobile app development company will understand your requirements and deliver your app according to your expectations. 

EmizenTech is a leading app development company expert in providing virtual assistant app solutions. All you have to do is connect with us, and you will be one step closer to a successful path. Here is why you should partner with us:

  • We have an expert team of developers with proven expertise in their field.
  • We provide end-to-end solutions with technical expertise
  • Signing NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) to protect your privacy
  • Client satisfaction is our number one priority.

Wrapping Up

The popularity of virtual assistant apps creates a need for advanced Virtual assistant apps in the market. In no time, these apps will become a necessity in every home. 

In this detailed guide, we have discussed everything related to virtual assistant apps, from development to cost. Now, if you are confident about launching it in the market, dive into the growing industry of virtual assistant apps and become successful in this venture.

EmizenTech is a renowned mobile app development company that turns your vision into reality. With our team of experts, we understand the market needs and provide you with the right solutions for your app. 

FAQs About Virtual Assistant App Development

How much does it cost to build a Virtual Assistant App?

The cost of building a virtual assistant app would take around $30,000 to $20,0000 or more, depending on the complexity of the app.

How long does it take to create a Virtual Assistant App?

Developing a virtual assistant app takes around 12 to 16 weeks. In this timeline, all the designing, development, and testing occur to ensure your app meets your needs.

How can a Virtual Assistant App help in business growth?

The development of a virtual assistant app offers support for businesses in many ways. It can manage the administrative support and work 24/7 without getting tired.

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CTO at Emizentech and a member of the Forbes technology council, Amit Samsukha, is acknowledged by the Indian tech world as an innovator and community builder. He has a well-established vocation with 12+ years of progressive experience in the technology industry. He directs all product initiatives, worldwide sales and marketing, and business enablement. He has spearheaded the journey in the e-commerce landscape for various businesses in India and the U.S.
