Developers have always prized the power to make apps on consolidated stacks of core technologies. Instead of gluing together several diverse elements, they may continue to concentrate on solutions that distinguish the business by employing a set of predefined basic components. The MEAN stack includes a lot of characteristics that may make developing a lot easier and faster. It also uses modern single-page applications by not requiring the renewal of a website for each server, as most traditional application forms require.

What Is MEAN Stack?

The MEAN stack would be a web application development system based on JavaScript. MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node are the four major components that build up the structure of the stack, and MEAN is called after them.

  • MongoDB is a content database system.
  • Express.js Node.js web framework
  • Angular.js is a JavaScript framework for the client.
  • The most popular JavaScript web host is Node(.js).

MEAN stack variants include MERN (changing Angular.js by React.js) and MEVN (trying to replace Angular.js with React.js) (using Vue.js). Among the most prominent technical paradigms for developing web apps is the MEAN stack.

What is a MEAN Stack Developer?

A MEAN stack programmer would be someone who specializes in one or more areas. The term “MEAN stack development” provides a step-by-step system that includes these components. NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJs, AngularJs MEAN stack programmers are similar to JS-based software developers.

MEAN Stack is a collection of technologies that may be used to create a full-stack app.

  • MongoDB is abbreviated as M. (No SQL database)
  • The letter E stands for “Express.”
  • The letter A denotes Angular, a front-end framework.
  • The letter N stands for Node, which is a back-end framework.

The MEAN stack’s great benefits are its flexibility and the feature that it just employs JavaScript. Because they’re all written in JavaScript, a decent MEANstack developer should be well-versed in the language.

What is the Future of a MEAN stack Developer?

Becoming a Mean Stack Programmer is a highly sought and difficult job. As a result, if you’re willing to work on a wide variety of skills and have expertise in many high-level programming languages and apps, you’ll be a competent MEAN stack programmer.

Back-end, Web application, Database, Validation, and Mobile Apps developers are accessible in several gasification processes. Previously, you would seek a speciality and accomplish your goals in that area as you gain expertise and training. The pattern has shifted due to modern best practices.

Enhancing abilities and gaining proficiency in:

  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • Scripting in Java
  • Universally useful languages such as Ruby, PHP, or Python.
  • Database management systems, such as Postgres, Oracle, or MySQL.
  • Any web server, such as Nginx or Apache
  • Implementation OS: FreeBSD, Linux, or CentOS
  • Any revision control system, such as GIT.

Components of MEAN Stack

The MEAN stack would be a developing trend in front-end and back-end JavaScript programming. This architecture is the only technology that can fulfil all of the most efficient implementation standards. MEAN would be an acronym that stands for the following words:

  • MongoDB is abbreviated as M,
  • Express is abbreviated as E,
  • AngularJS is abbreviated as A,
  • and NodeJS is abbreviated as N.

Let’s have a look at the four components of the MEAN stack:

1. MongoDB – A JavaScript time to establish that it is open-source and cross-platform.

  • Uses a JSON document that is relevant to the data model.
  • A schema-free, self-contained NoSQL database
  • Highly scalable design designed to process massive amounts of data that is both cost-effective and beneficial in transporting data between the server and a client
  • Assists with file storage, index preparation, and bandwidth allocation.

2. Express JS –The server-side JavaScript framework is a minimalist framework.

  • Reduces the amount of work involved in developing secure online and mobile apps.
  • Developers can add additional innovations and developments.
  • Back-end development is mostly done with this framework.
  • It is easier to develop server-side apps with Nodejs.
  • Database connectivity, template processors, and multiple basic routing options.

3. AngularJS – a JavaScript framework for online front-end development.

  • Google maintains and builds a computer MVC JavaScript data conditional UI framework that is flexible in structure, development, and testing.
  • Reduce the time it takes for dynamic and SPAs to emerge.
  • For a full-stack web front-end framework, it’s easy to learn and scale.

4. Node JS – a JavaScript-based execution framework that is open-source and cross-platform.

Node JS
  • Built using the JS V8engine from Google Chrome
  • Aids in the development of feature-rich real-time web-based applications.
  • Before the operation, convert JavaScript software to native machine code.
  • It enables the creation of server-based applications that are both accessible and safe.
  • It has a diverse ecosystem of open-source modules and features.

How Does the MEAN Stack Work?

MEAN would be an open-source software stack for building cloud-hosted apps. MEAN stack apps are scalable, adaptable, and versatile, making them ideal for hosting services. The stack comes with its web server, making it simple to install, and the databases could be expanded on demand to handle transient consumption surges. A MEAN application is released into the world tailored to take full advantage of the cloud’s efficiency gains and speed enhancements.

JavaScript has remained a popular front-end web development language because it is versatile, interactive, and simple. However, it’s been only available for front-end and database design for a few years, enabling developers to design apps utilizing end-to-end JavaScript. You can simplify your development teams since MEAN employs the same language throughout.

MEAN eliminates the need to engage many professionals to create distinct parts of an app. Alternatively, you may leverage a unified pool of JavaScript programmers to work on-demand, wherever and whenever they are needed. Mandating on JavaScript also allows you to share code throughout the app, decreasing the amount of time you spend reinventing the wheel.

Use Cases of MEAN Stack

Whereas the MEAN stack isn’t ideal for every operation, it succeeds in a few. Its flexibility and capacity to manage simultaneous connections are an excellent choice for designing cloud-native apps. The AngularJS front-end technology is also well-suited to creating single-page apps (SPAs) that provide all content and functions on a single sheet of paper. Here are some examples of how to use MEAN:

  • Expense tracking and calendars
  • Sites that aggregate news
  • Searching for locations and mapping

An instance design for a Node.js implementation with MongoDB on a MEAN stack.

Mean Stack Architecture

Mean Stack Architecture: MongoDB

MEAN.js was created to enable programmers to utilize better practices when dealing with open-source Javascript elements, construct a solid framework for meeting daily external technological, and solve frequent challenges by linking to MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, as well as Node.js platforms.

The MEAN stack remains incredibly basic and straightforward to do using on both the back-end and frontend. In both server-side and client execution, numerous technologies employ distinct languages. We utilize just one vocabulary for both server and client in MEAN technology.

MEAN Stack Architecture Features

Among the most significant advantages is that the programmer may create all of the software in JavaScript, from client and server. That would be a huge relief for Java programmers who have spent time and money learning the language for client-side jobs.

The MVC (Model – view – controller) paradigm is supported.The MEAN elements are free software, which means that the stack is changed on a constant schedule. Furthermore, it is simple to use, adaptable to comprehend, and aids developers in customizing according to their needs. Other aspects of MEAN include a large node.js component library and JSON usage to transmit data.

The following are the characteristics of the MEAN stack architecture:

  • The programmer creates the complete code again by sending the computer in JavaScript, one of the essential elements of a MEAN stack design.
  • The MEAN stack framework supports the Model View Controller (MVC) framework.
  • The MEAN elements are independent and accessible.
  • It’s simple to learn and put into practice.
  • It allows developers to customize according to their needs.
  • It transfers data via JSON and has a large node.js module library.

Not just entrepreneurs and small businesses but also large corporations such as Walmart, PayPal, Google, Netflix, Airbnb, LinkedIn, and others have switched to Node.js.

The MEAN Stack’s Advantages

With a cross-platform start writing methodology, MEAN apps may be utilized in various ways. MEAN is best matched to real-time applications, but it can also be used for other scenarios, such as:

  • Tools for managing workflows.
  • News aggregation website.
  • Applications for to-do lists and calendars.
  • Interactive forums.

Since all of the elements are built on JavaScript and JSON, integrating the stack’s elements is simple and intuitive.

Furthermore, MEAN’s E and A (Express and Angular) remain two of the most widely used and well-supported Java applications for the back-end, including front programming. Express makes it simple to route and manage Html pages and answers, and it offers excellent middleware support for JSON endpoints, including form submissions. Angular is a sophisticated framework for creating interactive HTML pages that connect with a server on the back end.

Disadvantages of the MEAN Stack

Although JavaScript is a fantastic contemporary language, it would not be created with back-end servers in mind. Because the MEAN stack, along with the back-end server, is built on JavaScript, it may experience scalability and management standards at scale owing to JavaScript’s nature.

Furthermore, because the area of project management is so quick, company and server functionality may result in insufficient segregation, resulting in software applications and improper practices.

Finally, while several manuals and courses are available, they rarely contain precise JS code standards for this framework. As a result, anything which works great in one implementation may cause problems in another.

When Can the MEAN Stack be Used?

In software development, a “Stack” is a collection of software packages and development tools that work together to produce sophisticated online or mobile apps. To enable a speedier and more flexible website development procedure, software developers are now employing the concept of combining development and sustainability.

Few Real Use Cases of MEAN Stack


PayPal is a sophisticated money-transfer service. It was created using HTML, Templates, and Javascript on both the application and database sides. PayPal employs two very different front-end and back-end programmers who utilize AngularJS and NodeJS.


Netflix is a well-known subscription model that utilizes MEAN technologies. The streaming site uses AngularJS to explore a range of patterns.

The back end of Netflix was written in Java, and the front end was written in JS. However, managing many programming skills appeared to be problematic.

The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel is a television network that broadcasts weather forecasts. The Weather Channel also uses to conduct its business. The website, as well as the software, rely significantly on MEAN features to function properly.

The Weather Report also uses AngularJS for simple weather predictions and functionality. It utilizes AngularJS for multiple themes that differ based on the places and regions because it delivers worldwide predictions through the site.

Automatic Data Processing

Automatic Database Design (ADP) is a recruitment and selection system that relies heavily on huge datasets. It has more than 41000 clients and a million users.

The program keeps track of important confidential documents such as wages, health, and insurance. The ADP Mobile Applications application was built with the aid of MongoDB.


Within two months, Forbes created a bespoke CMS based on MongoDB. Within a fortnight, Forbes additionally developed a special site.


Google backs AngularJS as the ideal option for creating fast and scalable online apps. According to Google, developers are encouraged to adopt the Angular basis for establishing interface design. In reality, Gmail is a conventional SPA that was created with AngularJS. Gmail launches the computer for a particular HTML page and refreshes it uniquely.


YouTube’s software was available to all users on PS3 in 2012. This made it possible for users to use their cell phones to manage YouTube on their PS3. YouTube relied on Angular’s framework to successfully use HTML data. YouTube programmers could utilize Angular to run flexible scripts in the user experience.

Angular made it possible for Youtube clips to play smoothly on the PS3 while preserving their performance and effectiveness.


LinkedIn was founded on a Javascript on Rails process-based platform. As the firm grew, it needed a flexible solution for a sustainable app.

As a result, LinkedIn migrated to Node.js and realized its many advantages. The MEAN element aided in improving the web platform’s functionality. LinkedIn serves approximately 760 million daily users and over 260 million unique visitors.


Trello is a web-based assignment and product development application. It has become an Atlassian company that provides a Kanban-style project-listing tool.

Trello’s stemming is based on Node.js. Trello’s team sought preconditions that were event-driven, transparent, and non-blocking.

Using MEAN Stack with MongoDB Atlas

Communicating with MongoDB from within a Node.js script is straightforward and straightforward with the MongoDB Node.js driver, saving programmers time and enhancing efficiency.

After that, you’ll require a MongoDB repository. Make a separate group using MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB’s thoroughly multi-cloud textual Database-as-a-Service, to begin with, MongoDB.

Atlas systems are simple to set up and grow, with a constant URI to connect to. Connectivity to a cluster is covered in detail in the official MongoDB reference.

Atlas communications, by default, include a built-in email and password using TLS end-to-end confidentiality. Furthermore, it enables you to use sophisticated MongoDB information security like certificate/IAM authorization, LDAP, Encryption-at-Rest, and Monitoring with a single click.

How Secure Is the MEAN Stack?

The MEAN framework with MongoDB Atlas is recommended because Atlas comes with built-in passwords, a gateway, and end-to-end encryption, which is the ideal foundation for safeguarding your MongoDB.

Furthermore, the MEAN stack provides a clear three-tier separation that, when combined with best practices and network infrastructure isolation, should prohibit your endpoint users from gaining access to your application logic and, more importantly, your respect for data.


MEAN stacks that employ React.js instead of Angular are frequently referred to as “MERN.” Because React would be a framework rather than a full-fledged package like Angular, there must be benefits and drawbacks to switching to a JavaScript-based platform. In a nutshell, React is simpler to understand, and most programmers can build and test React software quicker than they could an Angular project.

However, the reality that you have this option shows that MEAN is not a one-size-fits-all solution for programmers. You could not only substitute alternative components with one of the four classic layers, but you could always also add complementing elements.

Full Stack Developer VS Mean Stack Developer

A MEAN stack programmer is an IT expert who develops web apps using various JavaScript technologies. A full-stack programmer is an IT expert who focuses on both server-side and client-side application development and must be knowledgeable in a wide range of technologies.

MEAN Stack

  • It can be used to make web pages. MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.JS make up the abbreviation.
  • Uses a method known as breadth-first search (BFS)
  • When you look at employment sites like Naukri, LinkedIn, and Indeed, you’ll notice that MEAN Stack Programmers have a lot of options.

Full Stack

  • Web development that includes both the front-end and back-end
  • It’s necessary to learn about Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  • As you browse employment sites like Monster India, TimesJob, and others, you’ll notice that Full Stack Programmers have the same work prospects.

How Can We Help You?

The MEAN stack has become increasingly popular. The MEAN stack would be an ideal solution for any website design headed for the cloud because of its versatility, uniform vocabulary, and durability.

If you’d like how simple it would be to design and launch a cloud platform using only a MEAN stack, please get in touch with us; we have a basic guide for establishing contemporary software in an application framework. Consider signing up on our homepage if you’re prepared to reach us right now.


MEAN Stack would be a prospective and updated technology in the web server market. MEAN businesses use the stack for creating unique and cutting-edge applications. The MEAN stack has powerful capabilities that may make programming incredibly quick and simple. It also uses the capabilities of current single-page applications by avoiding the need to renew a website for each server, as most classic application forms do. Some explanations explain why MEAN Stack has become increasingly popular for software development.

Frequently Asked Questions about MEAN Stack

  1. Is the MEAN stack easy to learn?

    Yes, it’s possible. The MEAN stack is based on straightforward JavaScript programming and acts as a natural repository for JSON structures, similar to MongoDB, making it simple to adapt and manage.

  2. Is MEAN a full-stack solution?

    Yes. The interface layer (Angular.js) step is the creation (Express.js and Node.js), as well as database tier (MEAN) all show a consistent three-tier stack structure (MongoDB).

  3. What’s the difference between full-stack and MEAN stack?

    A MEAN Stack would be a complete stack with the following features:
    * a database,
    * a front end,
    * and a back end
    Although a MEAN stack programmer should specialize in the foundation pieces of MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node, a typical full-stack programmer may require additional or other skills and abilities.

  4. What does a Mean Stack Developer earn?

    In the United States, the average income for a “mean stack developer” is around $90,148 per year.

  5. Skillsets of Mean Stack developer

    * A full-stack developer should work on both front and back-end procedures.
    HTML and CSS must be able to be used by a Mean Stack programmer.
    * They should be familiar with program frameworks and architectural design principles.
    * Website development, continuous deployment, and computing infrastructure are all skills you’ll need.
    * A thorough grasp of database architecture is required.
    * SDLC expertise and Agile development expertise are required.
    * Partner with IT partners to design robust programs that enable business goals.
    * Hands-on expertise with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node is required.

Ganesh Tharol

Ganesh Tharol's expertise in programming allowed him to streamline his workflow significantly. A hunt for new opportunities led him to cloud computing. When it comes to AWS, Ganesh Tharol is a full-stack DevOps with exceptional development skills, as seen by his many certifications and successful developments.
