Millions of tons of scrap are generated annually, and this metric is increasing as we move forward toward evolution. Businesses seek innovative approaches to meet customer needs and explore new revenue streams with the rise of digital solutions.

The global scrap market has opened up many new opportunities, with a value of $87.2 million in 2022 and expected to reach $196.9 million by 2030. It is projected to have a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16.5% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2030.

Moreover, the online marketplace for scrap trading serves as a sustainable resource management and economic practice. Despite challenges, this market is increasing; some popular scrap marketplace trading platforms, including Buddy, Meta Loop, and MetCycle, thrive in this competitive niche.

After looking at the potential of recycling, government and business practitioners are willing to invest in this segment. They want to build an online scrap marketplace that provides economic and environmental benefits globally. 

However, building an online scrap marketplace involves strategic planning with an experienced development partner. If you want to create an online marketplace for scrap trading, you are in the right place. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of scrap trading marketplace development, its market stats, the development process, its cost, and more. So, without further ado, let’s go!

What is the Scrap Marketplace?

Simply, an online marketplace for scrap trading is also known as a scrap trading platform. It is a digital hub where individuals and manufacturers can sell and trade several scrap materials. This platform has gained immense popularity because people are aware of sustainable resource management. 

Moreover, these platforms serve as a bridge between the global supply chain for recycled materials and offer various benefits to buyers and sellers. On the other hand, it’s also beneficial for those looking to dispose of scrap materials and those seeking to procure them. Therefore, the Scrap marketplace is a convenient platform for connecting buyers and sellers, making the scrap trading process efficient and accessible.

The Scrap trading marketplace platform streamlines the waste management system by reducing landfills. 

At the same time, it contributes to the country’s economy and has monetary value.

Scarps marketplace covers several waste materials such as metals, plastics, electronic waste, paper, hazardous waste, etc. Due to convenience, these platforms are the primary choice for businesses and entrepreneurs. 

However, developing a scrap marketplace website that streamlines the process of enhancing recycling & waste management contributes to safe environmental practices and creates economic opportunity for businesses. 

So, if you have decided to create a scrap trading marketplace, understand its market potential in the next section.

Scrap Trading & Recycling Market Size, Trends and Forecast

The Environment Protection Agency of the United States reveals that the scrap recycling industry in the U.S. generates over $110 billion in economic activity. As a government, potential business owner consumers understand the value of sustainability; the scrap market is poised to expand further, providing both financial and environmental benefits.

However, building a scrap trading marketplace is profitable for entrepreneurs or scrap business owners. The Scrap marketplace is not limited to specific materials but covers a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, glass, electronic waste, etc. 

In recent years, the global online platform for the scrap metal industry has been overgrown. So, before creating an online scrap trading marketplace, look at this niche’s market size, trends, and future forecasts. 

Scrap Metal Recycling: Market Size

  • The Scrap metal recycling market is predicted to be USD72.34 billion in 2024. It is projected to reach USD 123.1 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 7.58% from 2024 to 2031.
  • The report shows the industry trends and opportunities and how they have increased with time.
  • Another report predicted the global demand for steel scrap will reach 778 million tons by 2030.
  • The European Union set the recycling targets for 70% of packaging waste and 85% of automotive batteries to be recycled by 2030.
  • With the growing demand for metals, the scrap metal recycling market is estimated to reach 947.39 million tons. It is projected to reach 1,164.33 million tons in the next five years with a CAGR of 4%.
  • However, the recycled material industry is said to be the major contributor to the U.S. economy, generating nearly $117 billion in economic activity. So, if you are planning to invest in online scrap marketplace development, you can unlock a successful business venture. 
  • By going through this section, you get an idea about the potential scrap trading market holds. Moving on to the next section, we will discuss the benefits of online scrap trading development.

Benifits of Scrap Trading Marketplace Development

The online marketplace for scrap trading operates as a two-sided platform, connecting service seekers (individuals, businesses, and industries) with service providers (local scrap businesses or “Kabadi” businesses). So, the scrap trading marketplace founder doesn’t need to own any product inventory. Third-party sellers can manage or create inventory, making it cost-effective. 

Building an online scrap trading marketplace can offer several benefits, whether you are an existing scrap business owner or an entrepreneur. Let’s discuss them in more depth. 

1. Increased Revenue Opportunities

You can generate revenue through transaction fees, commissions, and subscription models by developing a platform for multiple sellers. With minimum effort, one can generate good income.

 However, building a scrap marketplace website helps you broaden your customer base, as it offers a variety of scrap that attracts a large audience. The most common ways this platform generates revenue are by listing, commissions, advertisement, etc. 

2. Diversification of Income Streams

As a scrap marketplace website creates several income streams, it becomes a safe place in times of economic downturn or market fluctuations. If you already own a scrap business, you can additionally channel your materials on the scrap trading marketplace platform. 

Moreover, it allows scrap business owners with overseas sales the customer can compare to prices from a single platform. Also, it helps establish new trading partnerships with scrap traders and suppliers.

3. Convenience and Flexibility 

An online scrap marketplace platform is where individuals or businesses connect with scrap suppliers or vice versa to sell scrap online. It provides convenience to startups, as they can benefit from building a scrap marketplace website without investing in production.

Additionally, online scrap trading platforms provide flexibility to service seekers and providers. Those who want to sell or buy scrap can reach out to the potential seller or buyers on a single platform. 

4. Customer Involvement

Another benefit of building an online scrap trading platform is streamlining the processes between scrap suppliers or service providers. Customers look for platforms with several customizable options to sell scrap at the best price without limiting it to a single vendor.  

Also, they can compare prices of different vendors and choose to sell to those with the best price for the scrap. If you want to increase the benefits of your online trading website or app, you can build a rating system or provide a review section, which is helpful for both parties.

With these benefits, you can develop your Online scrap trading platform and streamline the supply chain between scrap traders worldwide.

How Does Online Scrap Marketplace Work?

If you have ever used Amazon or Etsy, you are probably familiar with the workings of a marketplace. Simply put, an online marketplace is a digital platform that connects the service seeker or service provider. In an online marketplace for scrap trading platforms, scrap traders sell or buy scrap to potential collectors in exchange for money. 

Moreover, these platforms act as an intermediate between sellers and buyers, providing them with a transparent and secure platform to sell & buy worldwide. So, take a look at how a scrap trading platform functions.

Step 1. Registration and verification

First, buyers and sellers must register on the platform to sell or buy products. They must provide information, including name, e-mail address, and business credentials, and sign up quickly.

However, business credentials verification is necessary to ensure trust and safety and facilitate trading among buyers and sellers worldwide.

Step 2. Listing Scrap Materials

Once registration is successful, the online scrap trading platform shows two options: buy or sell scrap. 

If you intend to sell scrap, you can easily list detailed products with pictures, their quantity, shipping details, and target price. 

Or, if you intend to trade scrap, list the material description, target price, and shipping option. Also, provide complete details regarding the materials description, open price, shipping option, e-mail, company name, and phone number. 

Step 3. Search and Browse

After successfully listing the materials, both parties can search or browse for the service seeker or provide information at their convenience. Buyers can search for various materials using filters such as type of materials, price, nearby location, and whatever suits their needs. 

The same goes with sellers; they can sell their material. They can choose the type of material using the filter feature and then select the best price and the nearest seller location at their convenience. 

Step 4. Negotiation and Communication

Both parties can easily communicate via platform chat messaging services. They can ask questions, discuss detailed information about the product or material, pick up time or delivery details, and clarify their doubts. 

Plus, they can negotiate the terms and policies and the best price suitable for both parties. On some platforms,  buyers place bids or auctions on the scrap materials and sell the material on closing bids.

Step 5. Logistics and shipping 

The buyer collects the scrap from the seller’s location and ships it to their designated location, whether it’s their warehouse or recycle shop. The collected scrap is then sent to recycling facilities for processing and reuse.

If the scrap quantity is vast, an exchange occurs, and overseas logistics companies intervene. They synchronized the overall process of managing logistics until they reached the FOB ( Freight on Board ). 

Step 6. Transaction and payment

Once the material gets shipped successfully, the payment and traction occur on a single platform. The seller must provide details like name, complete address, etc., to proceed with the process. Scrap trading platforms often have secure payment gateways. 

Therefore, payment facilitation occurs between both parties in secure mediums such as credit or debit cards, PayPal, and other digital payment systems. 

Step 7. Reviews and rating

After the complete process is successfully streamlined, both parties on this platform can give reviews and ratings to each other. It helps the platform owner to earn more conversions for their scrap business. 

However, feedback provided by the seller for the buyer is critical in building trust among other sellers. Plus, sellers and buyers are more likely to convert when they see positive ratings and reviews on the platform. 

Step 8. Customer support and dispute resolution

If any issue or dispute occurs between buyer and seller, it quickly gets resolved. When you create a marketplace, it’s crucial to have clear agreements and policies. 

That covers all the terms related to shipping, refunds, and resolution. By facilitating clear communication between the buyer and seller, you may prevent disputes from occurring in the first place. 

 If you plan to create a platform that serves as the intermediary, manages logistics, and facilitates the exchange of scrap materials between service seekers and service providers. We at Emizentech provide the best tech services to start your online scrap trading marketplace quickly.

Features of Scrap Trading Marketplace 

Creating a successful online Scrap trading marketplace website or app requires essential features. The correct set of features is necessary to efficiently coordinate the entire selling process, buying and collecting scrap materials from individuals, businesses, and industries.

Here is a list of features we use at EmizenTech to incorporate into your online marketplace for scrap trading. Take a look.

These features collectively ensure that an online marketplace operates efficiently, provides value to its users, and maintains high trust and reliability. Let’s move to the next section and learn how to develop a scrap-buying and selling marketplace.

Online Scrap Trading Platform Offers an Opportunity to Buy and Sell Recyclables and Lead Us Towards a Sustainable Future.

Steps to Develop Scrap Buying and Selling Marketplace

While there are challenges, developing an online marketplace for scrap trading is rewarding at the same time. So, if you are confident enough to build a scrap buying and selling marketplace platform, these are the following step-by-step process for creating an online scrap trading marketplace.

1. Validate Your Idea

If you have an idea for building an online scrap trading marketplace of a particular type, validate your idea to ensure you are on the right path. For this, connect with us; we are a skilled web development company with in-depth e-commerce solutions. We help you avoid common pitfalls by researching and saving your time. 

This Research Will Cover the Following Questions:

  • The value of your product in the current market
  • Would your product be profitable for the clients?
  • How dependent are you on third parties?
  • What is the feedback on your product from potential clients?

If you have a development partner by your side, these questions must be juggled with them. If you want to get honest feedback and conduct manual market research, you’ll learn a lot about many things. 

2. Choosing Marketplace Type 

Deciding which type to build before creating an online marketplace for scrap trading. There are three simple options. You can create a vertical marketplace offering multiple vendors from the same niche. Or a horizontal marketplace that lets vendors sell common materials from different categories. Plus, a global marketplace that connects a large number of materials and suppliers. 

If you cannot decide which platform best suits your online scrap buying and selling marketplace idea, you can turn to experienced service providers. We can assist you according to your goals and needs and will help you build a scrap trading marketplace that meets your requirements.

3. Budget Planning 

Budget planning is a vital stage in the website development process. It is crucial to plan the budget carefully for custom marketplace website development. The budget planning includes the initial stage of marketplace research.

However, the development cost depends on various factors, such as the complexity of features, developer location, and so on. Also, include the post-release cost in this plan; you must spend time and money on promotion and technical support. Don’t forget the monetization strategy so that you can decide on the necessary features and plan costs accordingly. 

4. Hiring an Experienced Software Vendor

Choosing an experienced software development partner for your online scrap trading marketplace is crucial for understanding your project requirements. The best thing is to work with an outsourced IT partner; this option is cost-effective and lets you access unlimited talents worldwide. 

Before hiring an experienced software development company, check their experience in developing online marketplace platforms. Plus, check the client’s feedback and review the portfolio created for the previous company to get better insights.

5. Deciding features

Outline the essential features of the scrap trading marketplace model, including search, chat, user profiles, listing features, payment system, customer support, reviews, and ratings.

The development team will decide what features must be deployed to make the platform function and what additional features will make your platform function appropriately.

6. Choose Tech stack

Choosing the right tech stack is crucial for success in your online scrap trading marketplace. You can decide on the features by analyzing the requirements of your project and prioritizing technologies to process that data quickly and efficiently. 

For frontend development, you can use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.; for the backend, you can choose Node.js Django. Moreover, to make your online trading marketplace mobile accessible, you can use React Native, flutter, etc. 

7. UI Development 

UI is crucial when creating an online scrap trading platform. Users interact with your website at first glance; if your website is easy to navigate, users will spend more time on your website.

However, a study shows that 75% of users judge a website by its aesthetics and tend to spend more time on more appealing websites. You can achieve that by creating a lucrative frontend for your online marketplace for scrap trading platform.

8. MVP Approach 

Don’t try to build a full-fledged website. Start the online marketplace website development with an MVP approach. In the initial phase, you can make your website with enough functionality to simultaneously attract users and collect feedback. This approach helps you validate your marketplace idea; in no time, you can market your website with minimum investments.

Another approach is to build an online scrap marketplace without doing the coding part. Various platforms in the market allow you to create your website on the pre-build platform. 

9. Online Scrap Marketplace Website Development ( Full-Fledged)

By analysing the results of your MVP you can create final online scrap marketplace platform with full-fledged features and functionality. By using the information gathered with the help of MVP you can refine the final platform. 

10. Testing and release

A quality assurance team accompanies the entire process of creating an online scrap trading platform. After completing the project, QA engineers conduct multiple tests to ensure the software works smoothly. 

In this phase, a team of QA will identify bugs and errors and eliminate them from the software before the release. After getting satisfied with the testing result, developers promote it to the server and launch it. 

These are the following steps to guide you for online scrap trading platform development. Once your website generates revenue, you must reinvest in it and create additional functionality to be upfront in the competitive market.

Popular Online Marketplace for Scrap Trading  

In the past, several companies have created a website for buying and selling for scrap materials. We have created a list of popular online marketplaces for scrap trading. Learn how these popular websites are thriving in this competitive market. 

1. Scrap Marketplace 

Scrap Marketplace

It is one of the popular online marketplaces for global surplus inventory and scrap trading. Scrap Marketplace is a US-based platform that has been working for 20 years, providing a transparent platform for surplus traders with diverse international experience.

As developed countries change their way of managing scrap, abandoning the practices of polluting industries, they continue to evolve. This platform provides a transparent space for surplus traders with assistance with Physical inspection, loading freight, and logistics.

The best part of this website is if you are a surplus trader, you can list scrap for free on this platform. If you want to create an online marketplace for scrap trading platforms like this, connect with us. 

2. Metcycle


This platform aims to cater to a sustainable future by recycling secondary materials with the help of advanced technology. Metcycle specializes in collecting repurposed materials to transform waste into valuable resources. 

Moreover, this platform facilitates the international digital trade of scrap metal and recycled metals. Traders can buy & sell scrap metal directly with buyers and sellers without any intermediaries. This platform provides complete transparency to the buyer and seller. There is no signup fee, no commission, or hidden costs.

To use this platform, every company needs to get verified first. Try this platform if you want innovative ways to recycle with an advanced technological approach. 

If you are willing to create a platform like Metcycle, We at emizentech have expertise in developing an online global platform for the scrap metal industry with advanced technological solutions.

3. Scrapo 


Best plastic scrap buy & sell marketplace with over 50000+ registered users and 20 million tons of listed material. Whether you are a seller or buyer, this platform is trusted, and signing up is easy. 

If you are a seller, you must post your offer, get the best deal by negotiating with the buyer, and sell directly to the party. On the other hand, buyers can easily browse thousands of listed offers and directly buy from the suppliers. 

Planning to create a marketplace for buying and selling plastic? Connect with us and get a free consultation.

4. Metaloop


Metaloop is a fantastic platform for industrial manufacturers looking to buy or sell metal scrap. They have established partnerships with top recyclers and smelters, offering a comprehensive solution for all your scrap management needs. This platform streamlines the entire process, allowing manufacturers to focus on their core business while saving time, money, and energy.

List your metal scrap to get started, and the Metaloop team will assess your request. They will then shortlist the top potential buyers, ensuring you receive the best price possible. Metaloop also organizes the delivery and payment from the seller to the buyer, providing a seamless and efficient experience for all parties involved.

5. ScrapMonster


Scrap Monster is a platform that provides metal scrap traders with the latest updates, recycling news, and information on the industry and connects buyers and sellers on the same platform. 

On this platform, buyers and traders provide information along with product listings. Shared among thousands of other members and global visitors. This platform allows recycling companies to find potential buyers and sellers to facilitate scrap trading. 

Suppose you are a scrap trader or recycle business owner and want to create an online scrap trading platform. In that case, we can help you Develop Your Online Marketplace App or Website by understanding your business needs. Give us a call and get a free consultation.

Technology Required for Developing Scrap Marketplace

Incorporating the correct set of tech stacks is crucial for your online marketplace for scrap trading. Each technology has its own characteristics or function. We have created a table that includes the technology. Let’s understand them below.

This table outlines the core technologies and their roles in building and maintaining an efficient and secure online scrap trading marketplace. Contact us if you want to integrate the entire tech stack in your online scrap website development and get robust solutions.

How EmizneTech Can Help You With Scrap Buying and Selling Marketplace Development

Creating an online marketplace platform takes hard work; profound expertise is required to understand such a domain. As a leading online marketplace development company, Emizentech has helped over 100+ businesses launch their online marketplace. We are experts in delivering various IT solutions that cater to every business need, providing clients with satisfactory experience. 

We have a team of experts who have created web-based marketplace platforms and helped many clients to set a competitive edge in the market. Moreover, with MVP development, we collect user feedback and continue to work with the client to make further changes in the final development stage. 

Our team has created an online marketplace platform for buying and selling preloved items of different categories. Another client wanted to build a B2B marketplace platform, and we helped them by creating an attractive marketplace website with the best features set.

If you are considering an online scrap trading marketplace website to streamline the supply chain of your business worldwide. Connect with us. Our experts provide you with the best consultation for your project needs. 


The online marketplace segment has evolved from selling different products to trading scrap online; digital solutions simplify several business processes. Online scrap trading marketplace development is an excellent opportunity for you if you are a recycler or scrap trader. You can evolve your business by creating a marketplace scrap trading platform that helps you reach a large audience worldwide. 

Many developing countries have shifted their focus to adopting sustainable practices, which opens many opportunities for scrap traders to build a scrap trading platform. However, creating an online marketplace for scrap trading might take time and effort. But if you choose the right tech partner, it can accelerate the development process. We hope you understand the online scrap marketplace platform development with this blog. 

If you aim to build one for your business, we have built a successful ecommerce website; contact our experts. We will provide you with the best possible solution for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Does an Online Marketplace Do? 

An online marketplace connects sellers with buyers through mobile apps and websites. It provides a platform for listing, searching, and transacting products or services. In the context of scrap metal, an online marketplace would allow scrap sellers to showcase their materials, and buyers (such as manufacturers or recyclers) can find and purchase scrap items conveniently.

How Much Time Does It Take to Develop an Online Scrap Marketplace?

The development time for an online scrap marketplace depends on various factors:
1. Scope and Complexity
2. Customization
3. Team and Resources
4. Technology Stack
5. Testing and Deployment
Generally, a well-planned and executed online scrap marketplace can take 3 to 12 months or more, depending on the above factors. Remember that thorough planning, user experience design, and testing are crucial for success.

How to Do Scrap Business Online?

By creating an online scrap trading platform, you can start selling scrap on an online marketplace. It’s advantageous for your scrap business to reach a large audience base and expand your business. 

How to Hire the Best Ecommerce Development Company for Online Marketplace Development?

Before you hire the best ecommerce development company for developing a marketplace platform, you need to check the following points:
1. Experience in developing an online marketplace platform
2. Check their portfolio
3. Check Client reviews

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CTO at Emizentech and a member of the Forbes technology council, Amit Samsukha, is acknowledged by the Indian tech world as an innovator and community builder. He has a well-established vocation with 12+ years of progressive experience in the technology industry. He directs all product initiatives, worldwide sales and marketing, and business enablement. He has spearheaded the journey in the e-commerce landscape for various businesses in India and the U.S.
